Skills website for Cambridgeshire people shielding in the covid crisis

A new interactive website has launched for the 16,000+ Cambridgeshire and Peterborough people who are shielding during the Covid-19 lockdown.
elderly lady playing game on tablet

The Open New Doors site, from the Countywide Coordination Hub, aims to combat loneliness and offer up ideas to help keep people busy in their own homes.

It’s a collaboration between Cambridgeshire Skills, City College Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Library Service.

And offers cooking and sewing activities as well as links to courses to learn new skills.

Hub food deliveries link to recipes and classes

The site also links the food deliveries from the hub to a healthy eating class, either online or via recipe cards for those that don’t have digital access. The hub delivery will include all the ingredients needed to cook the meal that will be taught online or via the recipe card.

For those people who do not have access to a computer, information on the website will be sent through the post.

Laptops and tablets loan scheme

The new site is believed to be the first of its kind in the country.  Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire City Council have also applied for funding to loan laptops or to supply tablets to those without digital access.

If the bid gets the green light, people will be able to use the equipment to access the website as well as connect with friends and family online

Details of the website and how people can log in will be shared directly with those on the shielding list.