1. Advice and Information -

    NHS social prescribing link workers can connect you to the right community groups and services to help support you.
  2. Blog -

    Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) play a crucial role in connecting communities with healthcare providers, ensuring that the patient's voice is heard and valued. One impactful way for PPGs to boost their impact is by actively participating in local Healthwatch Health and Care Forums. In this blog post, we explore the significance of PPG involvement in these Forums and how it contributes to fostering a more patient-centred healthcare system.
  3. Advice and Information -

    From 31 October 2023, GP surgeries must give patients online access to their new health record entries. Find out what information is in your record and how to access it.
  4. Advice and Information -

    As autumn arrives, so does Stoptober – a month dedicated to helping people in the UK quit smoking. Smoking is a habit that can harm your health in numerous ways, but the journey to quitting can be tough. In this article, we'll discuss Stoptober, provide some vital statistics from the UK, and address the issues surrounding vaping as a potential aid for those trying to kick the habit.
  5. News -

    In a bid to address the concerning surge in youth vaping and safeguard children's health, the UK government has declared a ban on disposable vapes. This move was announced by the Prime Minister during a school visit on 29th January, marking a significant step in the government's response to the rising trend of smoking and vaping among young people.
  6. Advice and Information -

    No Smoking Day is a reminder for individuals to kick the habit and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Whether you're a long-time smoker or just starting out, it's never too late to quit and it’s one of the best decisions you can make for your health and well-being. In this article, we'll discuss why quitting is important and provide some simple tips to help you on your journey to becoming smoke-free.