1. News -

    Local NHS Trusts and care organisations are improving the information they give to disabled people.
  2. Report -

    At this meeting the Board will get an update on the progress made by local providers regarding the NHS Accessible Information Standard.
  3. Advice and Information -

    The NHS Constitution is a useful document to know – setting out what patients, the public and the staff working for it can expect from the NHS.
  4. News -

    South Cambridgeshire resident Will lost too much weight and became unwell with untreated Crohn’s disease after struggling to communicate with health professionals. Will is Deaf and uses British Sign Language.
  5. News -

    Healthwatch is toasting its volunteers after being awarded the Investing in Volunteers (IiV) award.
  6. Report -

    The final report from our three-month Covid survey is published today.
  7. Report -

    Read the minutes from Physical Disability Partnership Board over the last year.
  8. Report -

    Read more about the issues discussed by the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board this year.
  9. Report -

    Read about the issues being discussed by our Older People's Partnership Board over the last year.