1. Report -

    Read the Carers' Partnership Board's Terms of Reference.
  2. Report -

    Our Directors will be hearing about the 'Best Start in Life' programme from Helen Freeman of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Public Health team.
  3. News -

    Two new directors have joined our Healthwatch Board. Nadia Emmony and Paul Jobling were endorsed at our Board meeting in Cambridge yesterday.
  4. Report -

    Terms of Reference for the Physical Disability Partnership Board.
  5. News -

    A unique approach to tackling funding issues in our local NHS has been highlighted in our newly-published Community Values Panel reports.
  6. Report -

    Big savings can be made for the NHS if people buy over the counter medicines rather than ask for them on prescription.
  7. Report -

    The number of people using urgent and emergency care services is increasing. And people are often arriving at A&E when they don't need to be there.
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    Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge have taken part in a review of new Accident & Emergency targets.
  9. Report -

    At this meeting the Directors will be asked to approve our five-year strategy. This sets out our five priorities and the difference we want to make by 2025, together with local people and organisations.

  10. News -

    We are closing down all face to face activities for the next 12 weeks, whilst we work to support the local NHS and care organisations manage the coronavirus crisis in our area.
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    The local NHS is postponing all non-essential appointments from 20 March to help it deal with the pressures caused by COVID-19 coronavirus.
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    The coronavirus crisis has put huge pressure on our local hospitals.

    To make sure they can look after people with acute needs, hospitals are changing the way patients no longer needing a bed are discharged.
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    Our strategy - approved earlier this month - sets out what we think is most important for Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Healthwatch Peterborough to do over the next five years.
  14. Report -

    Read the minutes from Physical Disability Partnership Board over the last year.
  15. Report -

    Read about the issues the Learning Disability Partnership Board has been discussing over the last year.

  16. Report -

    Read the minutes from the meetings of the Carers' Partnership Board from the last year.
  17. Report -

    Read more about the issues discussed by the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board this year.
  18. Report -

    Read about the issues being discussed by our Older People's Partnership Board over the last year.
  19. News -

    Doddington and Wisbech minor injury units are to close - temporarily - on Monday, 6 April.
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    People receiving direct payments for adult social care are to get a 10% rise from Cambridgeshire County Council.
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    Next week is Dying Matters Awareness Week - helping people to raise the conversation about dying, death and bereavement.
  22. Report -

    Log on and watch our next Board meeting in public. We'll be talking about how we are supporting local people and services during this difficult time.
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    A "conditional plan" to begin easing England's coronavirus lockdown was announced yesterday by the Government.
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    Cambridgeshire health and care forums are moving online so that people can continue to have their say on local services.
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    A new interactive website has launched for the 16,000+ Cambridgeshire and Peterborough people who are shielding during the Covid-19 lockdown.
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    Groups of up to six people will be able to meet outside in England from Monday, 1 June
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    Wheelchair users moving from children's to adult services are to be a focus for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Wheelchair Users' Forum.
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    Prime Minister Boris Johnson says lockdown will be “safely eased” in England next month.
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    Our Chair Val shares her proudest moments from 2019-20 as we launch our Annual Report for the last 12 months.
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    Services investigating health and care complaints are restarting after being paused due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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    Communications with patients and service users must be a priority as health and care services restart following the peak of the pandemic.
  32. Report -

    The first findings from our Covid-19 survey are published - revealing people's experiences of health, care and community support during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.
  33. Report -

    Join us online for our next Board meeting in public.
  34. Report -

    Join our Annual General Meeting and find out about our work and projects over the last 12 months and take part in our special discussion about care.
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    At our Annual General Meeting today – online due to coronavirus restrictions – we said a sad goodbye to three of our Healthwatch Directors: Graham, Sue and Frances.
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    Government launches new obesity strategy as country urged to achieve a healthy weight to beat Covid-19 and protect the NHS.
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    Our Healthwatch supported a national study into people's experiences of online and telephone consultations.
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    Our second briefing into people's experiences of health, social care and community support during the pandemic is published today.
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    Most have had good healthcare, but people are worried about managing their health when treatment has been paused. And one in three have delayed getting help for a health condition.
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    Healthwatch is toasting its volunteers after being awarded the Investing in Volunteers (IiV) award.
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    Wisbech Minor Injury Unit (MIU) is to reopen next week and there are new opening hours for Ely MIU now that other local services have restarted.